Thursday, June 4, 2015

Traveling to Prague

It is Friday and we are headed to Prague--Pat, Joy, Lois and Joyce.  It has been a long night as we received a call about 10:00 PM  Thursday evening Budapest time ( 4:00 PM Eastern) that Bob's mother had taken a turn for the worse and was being placed in ICU with a breathing tube.  Earlier reports had appeared less critical, but this time, we knew we needed to send him back to the states ASAP.  Thankfully, our wonderful friends ( and travel agents ) Chuck and Janice Maida kicked in to " super agent mode" and called the airlines.  Janice was able to convince Delta to get him on a plane, exchanged tickets, no charge with decent seats. He left Budapest at 6:00 AM this morning ( 12:00 midnight US  time ) He had no sleep as he had to depart for the airport at 3:15 AM.  He will arrive in Indianapolis this evening by 5:35 PM ( 11:35  Prague time).  All this in really just 17 hours elapsed time.

We are outside of Prague less than 2 hours and we have van problems!!  Oh, boy, another adventure.

We ended up over three hours to get a replacement van and driver.  They had to transport us to the next gas station and when we 4 girls climbed into the highway assistance truck and found an opened half consumed Corona beer, we dissolved into total hysteria.

The driver was not from Prague, so when we arrived he couldn't find our apartment.  After numerous failed attempts, we gave up and went to Joy and Pat's hotel where we checked them in, stored our luggage had a drink and dinner, then hired a local cab to take us to our apartment.

The apartment is beautiful, modern and spacious.  We are in the heart of the Old Town, just minutes from the famous Charles Bridge.

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